Titus 2:4-5, "Admonish the young women . . . to be homemakers."
Beauty from Busyness
As God's women, you and I are blessed with the God-given assignment to weave a tapestry of beauty in our homes. However, I don't know about you, but I had an aversion to that word homemaker -- until I discovered what God had in mind. Before that, it sounded like dull labor and mundane chores!
What I discovered is that to be a homemaker means to be a stayer-at-home, to be domestically inclined, a good housekeeper, and a keeper at home. Another sources emphasized that a woman's primary sphere of activity and contribution is the home, and still another concluded that we are to be active in or busy with household duties. The commentary that most moved my heart said that I am simply to be a "home lover."
Any woman who carries in her mind and heart that thought "Home sweet home!" qualifies as a home lover. That term definitely portrays a fitting attitude in response to the call of Titus 2:4-5, but weaving a tapestry of beauty in our homes also calls for action.
Yes, But How?
How does a woman who wholeheartedly wants to weave a tapestry of beauty in her home begin?
1. Understand the beauty and blessings of God's will for you.
God is teaching us His will when He calls us to be homemakers. And I figure that if God calls me to serve at home, to be on top of things, and to see that my good housekeeping chores get done, then I want to do just that.
2. Purpose to be home more often.
Proverbs 17:24, "Wisdom is in the sight of him who has understand, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth." In other words, wisdom sees the thing straight in front of us, the thing between our own two feet -- and that is our home. The wise woman realizes the value of being home. But the foolish woman is always looking "out there" (in the mall, in the outlet stores, in a friend's home, etc.) for fulfillment, excitement, activity, and meaning.
3. Organize your outings.
For instance, I learned that I just couldn't run to the cleaners. Instead, I understood that I needed to stop by the cleaners when I was running all my other errands.
Heart Response
Now, dear fellow weaver, take God's teaching to heart. Do you cherish your home? Is it "home sweet home" to you? When you are away from it, do you yearn fo it? Is your heart truly centered in your home? Are the place and the people there more important to you than anyone or anything else?
The "I will's" of the Heart of the Homemaker:
- I will get up before my family in order to prepare myself spiritually and physically.
- I will prepare breakfast for my family and sit with them while they eat.
- I will work diligently to send every member of my family off in a good mood.
- I will consult my husband every day to see if there is anything special he wants me to do for him.
- I will keep a neat and orderly home.
- I will respond positively.
- I will put my husband before my children.
- I will be predictably happy.
Is yours the heart of a homemaker? For help, ask God for His transforming touch. As He empowers you to obey, He will give you joy at the task to which He calls you and enhance the beauty of the tapestry you are weaving.