Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Heart Enriched by Joy in the Lord

Spiritual Growth Is Aided by Discipleship

God's ideal plan for us as His women -- and another aspect of His job assignment for us -- is that we teach other women the "good things" we have been learning, that we mentor or disciple them, that we pass on all that God has taught us.

Titus 2: 3-4, "But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: [that] the older women ... be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things ... that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children."

The word discipleship can call to mind a variety of scenarios. Most often we equate discipleship with one-on-one, weekly meetings with another woman for years on end. While that would be wonderful, for most of us that is neither a reality nor even a possibility. We can, however, choose from some enriching alternatives if we really want to grow.


Churches in every town offer Bible studies and Bible classes. Correspondence courses are also available -- all you and I have to do is enroll, do the work, and let God grow us.


Books offer another avenue for growth and help you develop skills for ministering to women. Book stores and libraries are brimming with volumes written by Godly women that tell of the Lord's faithfulness in their lives. You will also gain valuable insights and inspiration from reading biographies of great Christian men and women of history.


Another valid form of discipleship is counsel from fellow Christians. If you're having a problem, ask a trusted and godly person.


Make an appointment with a godly woman and ask questions from a list that you have already prepared.


Make sure you are watching, watching, watching!  It's a great way to learn. In fact, one way to learn how to love, respect, and support your husband is to watch other women. When it comes to admiring your husband, for instance, "keep a list of how other women show admiration for their husbands." Watch, learn, write down what you learn, and then try those new behaviors yourself.

Spiritual Growth: Experiencing the Joy of the Lord

Your desire to grow in the Lord will empower you and inspire you to grow more. 

In your mind, picture a real woman you admire. Most likely, she is stimulating, challenging, energetic, and joyful. She is growing and fresh, excited and exciting, learning and willing to share what she is learning. She motivates you, and you love to be in her presence. She has nothing to fear, and you never hear her sigh or see signs that she's bored. For her, life is never dull!

Such a woman is probably involved in and committed to spiritual growth. She has spent time with God and been filled by Him so when she's in public, she can't help but share her love for Jesus.

Heart Response

You are blessed indeed if you know one of these joyful, enriched women who have responded to God's call on their lives. You will be even more blessed if you accept the invitation to do likewise. So take a moment and wait upon the Lord as you consider these questions:

  • Exactly how am I spending my precious God-given time and energy? Am I wasting it on choices that have no heavenly value or am I making the good, better, and best choices?
  • Do I acknowledge the value -- the necessity -- of time spent in preparation?
  • Is allowing God to prepare me for ministry even a goal of mine? Or am I letting time, and life, slip away unused, uninvested in eternity?
Catch His vision for you. Set aside time to make growth in Him a goal. Trust Him to provide you with opportunities to minister. The result?

A heart enriched by joy in the Lord!