Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Love is a Heavenly Gift

The Lord God is the Source of Genuine Love and is quick to liberally pour it out upon His children. Every thought that He has for us, every blessing that He bestows is because of His love, a love that we can never earn.

The description of genuine love in 1 Corinthians 13 reveals to us the importance of this virtue in our lives. As we learn more about the Greek agape kind of love, we will begin to understand that love is not complete without giving.

Defining genuine love is difficult, so Paul resorts to describing how it should look in the life of a Christian. He explains that this love is even more than action alone: it is the attitude behind the action. We must always ask ourselves, "Are my motives pure?"

We will recognize genuine love in our lives when we seek to serve with no expectations. In fact, our reward will be that the Lord gets the glory for any good accomplished. Genuine love is not an impulse of feeling, but it is a desire to help others see the Giver.

The Lord is the Giver of all good things according to James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."

Lord Jesus, the desire of my heart is that others would look at me and know that I belong to You. Help me to be a witness of Your love, that others will turn to You for their salvation. Thank you for saving me. Amen


rpkkj said...

Thanks for working on this so we can have such a good study time together. Hope I can make it out there this Wednesday!