One of the most devastating Lies that permeates our society today is the one that convinces us that women cannot possibly be fulfilled by staying at home and raising their children. Of course, we as Christian women know that Satan is the originator of this lie. Our culture propagates it, also, tempting us into somehow believing that this ideology has and will set women free.
According to God's Word, nothing could be further from the truth. When we are faced with this Lie, we become unsettled and confused because we dwell in this culture and are inundated with the beliefs of it. Our only defense is to saturate ourselves with the Word of God so that we are able to think and act clearly on the foundation of Truth.
In the garden, Adam lived by himself for some time and experienced lonliness. God then created the beasts of the field, and even allowed Adam to name each species according to his desire. However, Adam was still lonesome and saw a need for companionship comparable to him. The following narration is found in Genesis 3:
"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place, then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, He brought her to the man. And Adam said: 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'"
A woman's purpose is clear and there is no shame in it. Woman was created for Man. Neither man nor woman is better than the other; just like a enlisted soldier, we have our marching orders. We will find great security and fulfillment when we operate within God's plan. A wife is an assistant, a helper, and a great influence for the benefit of her husband.
We will discover that we can help our husband the most by making a comfortable home, full of love and warmth, for him to come home to. "Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
A woman's treasure is her husband and children. Our purpose is to make a place of refuge for them where they are safe from the world's deception and influence. This can be done in a myriad of ways, depending on each of our particular gifts, strengths, and personality.
Lord, help me as I purpose to accept Your design for me within my home. Thank You for creating me so that I will find the greatest fulfillment as I walk in Your ways. You know what is best for me, and You love me so much that You want my best. I love you, too. Amen.
Love, Karen
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Heart of the Home
Posted by Karen Brock at 5:17 AM
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Beautifully stated. Thanks for always being such a great example and encouragement to me in this way mom as I am learning to be a wife and mother. Wish you were here today. I am praising the Lord for making His design for me more clear this week as I've pondered this point.
I love you.
Haven of Refuge -
I have been focusing on my children so much recently, that I forgot to maintain my husband's areas in our home. In fact, I think I have been slowly adjusting his level of expectation to fit what is more comfortable for me to keep up with!! Our 1 and 1/2 yr old is exploring by dumping and loves to "help Mommy" by following me around un-doing my efforts, it seems. I have allowed my husband's haven to include an obstacle coarse, for starters, and more uncomfortable things that are visible to me now that I'm thinking about it. Now that I see what is going on, it is not more effort for me to make sure his areas are tidy - I don't mean playing w/ his piles! But I can empty his garbage, make sure there are no toys around his desk and table, maybe even maintain my own mess that overflows into his space... things that I maintain in my own personal spaces to enjoy my home. I didn't realize I was starting to do - and I even found sympathetic friends who encouraged me to be happy with my current efforts. It made me feel good at the time, but I let everything slide even more telling myself it was only what could be expected. I realize that my house might not actually look any different than before, but my attitude is turning back on track, and I have high hopes of making real, visible progress.
Thanks, Karen!! -I don't have the book, and I can't make it to the studies, but I love following along!
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